Private analysis and Analyzers

In order to have your source code’s maintainability managed by QualityGate, you need to install a QualityGate agent on your infrastructure. QualityGate agent connects to your version control system, analyzes the source code, extracts quality attributes and uploads them to the QualityGate server.

Neither your source code nor credentials for accessing your version control system will ever leave your machine. Only the results of the analysis will be uploaded. While the machine running the agent does not have to be accessible from external IP addresses, the agent must be able to reach the QualityGate server at

Setup for Linux


  • Ubuntu 18.04 or newer

  • Latest Docker container platform:

    $ curl -fsSL -o
    $ sh
  • The host machine must be able to access the version control system containing the projects to analyze

Installation & Configuration

You can find detailed information about how to set up the QualityGate agent at the agent’s Dockerhub page.


Your account ID required for setting up the agent can be found here as well.


To setup and run QualityGate agent, you have to use root privileges on Linux.

Setup for Windows


  • 64 bit Windows 7 or newer
  • The host machine must be able to access the version control system containing the projects to analyze


Download the QualityGate agent installer and follow the installation instructions.


Your account ID can be found here. The Windows agent can be configured through its configuration file called It is located in the installation directory:

E.g. C:\Program Files\FrontEndART\QualityGate-agent\

In order to run the agent, you must enter your account ID in this property file. After that, the agent can be started or stopped by clicking the dedicated shortcut icons on your desktop.


Your account ID required for setting up the agent can be found here as well.


QualityGate agent installer has to be run as Administrator, and long paths have to be enabled.

Managing analyzers

You can check if the analyzer has been attached to your account at the Analyzers page. Multiple analyzers can be attached to one account at a time. These analyzers get listed here, along with their identification numbers, the number of analysis failures, date of last failure and status. An analyzer’s status can be ACTIVE or SUSPENDED. User actions include resetting, suspending or resuming an analyzer.

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